martes, 19 de diciembre de 2017
viernes, 15 de diciembre de 2017
The History of Christmas
The festive season is here and we want to learn all about its origins and the most popular traditions in different cultures.

- How do you celebrate Christmas?
- Do you follow any special traditions?
- Is this festivity important to you and your family/friends?
Follow this weblink from and answer the questions:
Read the section ’An ancient holiday’ and look for the answers to the following questions:
- What did Europeans celebrate long before the birth of Jesus?
- Why did people celebrate during the winter solstice?
- Who celebrated Yule from 21 December in Scandinavia?
- How did fathers and sons mark the return of the sun?
- Up to how many days was it possible for the Yule feast to last?
- What did the Norse believe that each spark of the fire represented?
- Why was the end of December a good time for celebrating?
- Why were German people terrified of the god Oden? How did they show their fear?
- Who was Saturnalia intended to honour?
- How did Roman society change during Saturnalia?
- In what century did the Church decide to make the birth of Christ a holiday?
- What was the problem with choosing the date of Christ’s birth?
- Why was 25 December chosen?
- Why do some churches celebrate Christmas on 7 January?
- What was the main disadvantage for church leaders of holding Christmas at the same time as other winter festivals?
- In what way were Christmas celebrations during the Middle Ages similar to those of Roman times?
- Oliver Cromwell took control of England in 1645.
- Cromwell and his Puritan forces encouraged the English people to celebrate Christmas.
- When the monarchy was reintroduced and Charles l became king, Christmas was celebrated again in England.
- As a result of the Puritan pilgrims coming to America in 1620, Christmas was not a holiday from 1659 to 1681.
- In Boston, from 1659 to 1681, anyone exhibiting ’Christmas spirit’ (= publicly celebrating Christmas) was fined five shillings.
- Christmas wasn’t declared a federal holiday in the USA until 26th June, 1870.
Santa Claus

Read the introduction to Santa Claus taken from
The man we know as Santa Claus has a history all his own. Today, he is thought of mainly as the jolly man in red, but his story stretches all the way back to the third century. Find out more about the history of Santa Claus, from his earliest origins to the shopping mall favorite of today:
What do you already know about Santa’s history? Discuss your ideas with a partner.
Go to the weblink text and read the different sections to answer these questions:
Read the first section ‘The legend of St. Nicholas’. Answer the following questions, then share the answers with your class:
- When do people think that St. Nicholas was born? In which modern-day country is his birthplace?
- For what qualities was St. Nicholas most admired?
- Was St. Nicholas born into a poor family?
- Which two groups of people is he particularly associated with?
- When is his feast day celebrated? What do people think it is lucky to do on that day?
- Why was the way in which St. Nicholas was regarded in Holland different from other saints?
- How did St. Nicolas first become popular in America?
- Where did the name Santa Claus come from?
- As Sinter Klaas’s popularity grew, did people agree about what he looked like?
- What did the advertisements for shops feature by the 1840s?
- What happened in 1841?
- In the early 1890s what did the Salvation Army do to raise money?
- What was the poem that became largely responsible for our modern image of Santa Claus? Why wasn’t its author sure that he wanted to publish it?
- What, according to the now familiar image of Santa Claus, are his physical characteristics and special powers?
- What cartoonist drew on Moore’s poem to create the first likeness of our modern day image of Santa?
- How did the cartoon depict Santa?
- What new elements did Nast add to the image created by Moore’s poem?
Read the fifth section ‘A Santa by any other name’. What are the names of similar figures all over the world, and what is special about each one? Write down each country, the name of their ‘Santa figure’ and the special features of their celebration.
Christmas is a global celebration. You have already seen how the legend of Santa Claus varies greatly from country to country. For the following task, you will read about different traditions around the world celebrated at Christmas time.
Take a look at the following traditions. As you read them, try to guess which of the countries in the box below these traditions come from. (Some countries are used more than once!)
El Salvador United States Great Britain Spain Japan Venezuela Canada Brazil Denmark Guatemala Estonia Poland Philippines Italy Armenia Germany Colombia
Twenty Christmas traditions from around the world (Complete this task in your notebooks):
- During the Christmas meal, Christmas crackers containing toys, jokes and a paper hat are pulled. ________________
- A white sponge cake covered with cream and decorated with strawberries is often consumed. ________________
- Children put their shoes in the window in the hope that the three wise men will deliver their presents. ________________
- Christmas carols are heard as early as 1st September. ________________
- On 6th January, female puppets are burned on a pyre to symbolize the death of the old year and beginning of the new year. ________________
- They celebrate the Cavalcade of Lights Festival. ________________
- The Christmas tree usually stands centrally in the home, decorated with ornaments, tinsel and lights, with an angel or star at the top. ________________
- People dress up in an ornamental hat named a Puritina and dance in a line. ________________
- Potato salad with frankfurters and wiener sausages is a popular meal in some families. ________________
- Children take presents of fruits, nuts and other sweets to older relatives. ________________
- In many cities, and even in small rural towns, neighbourhoods get together and decorate their whole neighbourhood or street, turning streets into ‘tunnels of light’. ________________
- Neighbourhoods get together for night festivals where children play with skateboards, rollerblades and bicycles. ________________
- On 6th December, Saint Nicholas puts goodies in children’s shoes. ________________
- Rice pudding is traditionally served with whipped cream and lashings of black cherry sauce. ________________
- Electric candles and glowing stars are placed in almost every window during the month of December. ________________
- A traditional meal includes herring and beetroot soup with ravioli. ________________
- It is a tradition for children to leave a glass of milk and plate of cookies for Santa. _______________
- In some cities, judges decide on the most beautifully decorated house. ________________
- Children are visited by Santa Claus on Christmas Eve and must sing songs or recite Christmas poems before they receive their presents. _______________
- Children celebrate Christmas by playing with firecrackers and sparklers. ________________
sábado, 18 de noviembre de 2017
Thanksgiving is the most important festival in the USA tradition. It is the time of the year when all families gather around the table to celebrate the time when the first pilgrims arrived to America and to give thanks for all they have.
Thanksgiving is a four-day holiday for most US citizens. It starts on the fourth Thursday of November and continues through Black Fiday to the weekend. It is an occasion for families to get together for a few days.The date for Thanksgiving was set by the country´s first president, George Washington, at his inauguration in 1789. The US Congress wanted to unite their nation in a day of celebration and prayer.
Answer the following questions in your notebook:
Activity 1: The history of the Thanksgiving celebration:
Visit: and read the first section entitled ‘Thanksgiving at Plymouth’. Look for the answers to these questions:1. Who travelled on board the Mayflower and why?
2. Was their journey comfortable?
3. What route did their journey take?
4. What problems did the Pilgrims experience during their initial few months in New England?
5. Why was Squanto, a Native American, able to communicate in English with the Pilgrims?
6. What did the Pilgrims learn from Squanto?
7. Who were the Wampanoag and what was their relation to the Pilgrims?
8. Why did William Bradford organize a celebration?
9. What kind of food was eaten at the first Thanksgiving meal?
10. What differences are there between the Thanksgiving meal eaten by the Pilgrims and the one people eat today?
Activity 2: A traditional Thanksgiving meal
Visit: Read the descriptions of typical Thanksgiving dishes and find the answers to these questions:
1. Which dish with an exotic background got a sweet addition in the twentieth century?
2. Which sweet nut dish has ancient origins?
3. Which food helped make a brand of soup more popular?
4. Which food is made from different ingredients, depending on the origins of the people cooking it?
5. Which food is very good for you and can be stored for a long period?
6. Which food made one woman very rich?
7. Which food got its name by mistake?
8. Which food probably wasn’t eaten at the first Thanksgiving meal because of lack of technology?
Activity 3: Thanksgiving traditions
Read about some typical traditions in North America at Thanksgiving and check whether these sentences are true or false. Explain the false ones:
1. Many people watch tennis at Thanksgiving every year.
2. Shops often sponsored Thanksgiving parades.
3. Washing neighbours’ cars is the most popular way to help others in the community at Thanksgiving.
4. The White House is given three turkeys each Thanksgiving – two are dead and one is pardoned and not cooked.
5. The turkey that is kept is given a name chosen by the president’s family.
6. The president announces the official date of Thanksgiving every year.
Activity 4: Discuss the following questions:
1. How much did you already know about the tradition of Thanksgiving?
2. What information surprised you?
3. What are the most important festivals and celebrations in your country or culture?
- How are they celebrated? What do people eat and drink?
- What are the origins of the celebrations? Have they changed over time?
- What celebration are you most looking forward to?
If you are in New York, you can celebrate Thanksgiving by joining a parade like Macy´s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Macy´s, a large Manhattan department store, organises the parade with actors, bands and balloons.

If you are in New York, you can celebrate Thanksgiving by joining a parade like Macy´s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Macy´s, a large Manhattan department store, organises the parade with actors, bands and balloons.
On Black Friday, everyone goes shopping. It is the second biggest shopping day in the year
(December the 23rd is number one). Why black? Because shop owners make big profits and pay off their debts, so they are " in the black".
- 3 eggs
- half a cup of white sugar
- half a cup of brown sugar
- 1.5 cups of milk
- 600 gr of ground pumpkin
- half a teaspoon of cloves
- half a teaspoon of cinnamon
- a pinch of salt
- one teaspoon of lemmon extract
First beat the eggs and the white sugar together, then add the ground pumpkin and continue beating.
Now dissolve the brown sugar in the milk and the add this to the pumpkin mix.
Next add the spices and the lemon. Put the pastry crust in the pie pan and add the filling.
Bake in the oven at 180º C for 50 minutes.
Enjoy your pie!!
viernes, 10 de noviembre de 2017
To describe a dish to customers is a very important task for a waiter/waitress.
Here are some videos and links to learn expessions and vocabulary that will help you be a good professional!
Watch this video by engVid to learn cooking vocabulary in English: chop, grill, saute, boil, slice...
Learn some more cooking actions:
Now follow this LINK to practise the language of describing dishes and do the activities on the web page.
Follow this LINK to read the recipe for Sheperd´s Pie.
lunes, 6 de noviembre de 2017
This lesson is intended to help you remember verb tenses in English and how to use them correctly!
Please watch this video by Solex to remember the theory and copy all the examples in your notebook:Present and past tenses:
Future tenses:
Now let´s concentrate on the 4 different ways to talk about the future: Will, Going to, Present Continuous and Simple Present!
Watch this great explanation by Emma from engVid!
Finally, watch this great video from Ted-Ed to have a bigger picture of verb tenses in English:
Make sure you take notes of all the examples in your notebook
domingo, 5 de noviembre de 2017

On the 5th of November British people celebrate Guy Fawkes day. This is a very traditional festival that we are going to learn about as part of our cultural topics and related to the history and traditions of the UK.
Follow this link to BBC Newsround to learn about it!
Now watch this video to understand events on the 5th of November better:
Jade from engVid explains everything about Guy Fawkes and Bonfire Night in this great video:
jueves, 2 de noviembre de 2017
-ED endings- pronunciation lesson
As you know, the “-ed” endings of regular past tense verbs can be pronounced in three different ways: /t/, /d/ and /ɪd/:
Practise pronunciation with these 12 very famous songs.
viernes, 20 de octubre de 2017
Find out how the flag of the UK is made of by following this LINK
Watch this presentation about the history of the UK:
How much do you know about the geography of the British Isles?
Watch this video to learn all the different geographical and political concepts. The speaker goes very fast, so you will have to concretrate and probably watch it several times!
British History and Culture. Symbols of Britain:
Flags, saints and flowers:
Now let´s focus on London. How many of these famous places in London can you talk about? how much are you learning about it?
Be prepared to design an itinerary to get to know London in one day!
Do you know this classic thriller song by Michael Jackson? I bet you do!!
- Listen to the first part of the video and write down the conversation between Michael and his girlfriend.
- Write a sequence of events: What happens in the video?
- Do you think this video is scary or funny? Explain why
- Make a list of "terror" words, for example, "tomb"
Do you know this classic thriller song by Michael Jackson? I bet you do!!
- Listen to the first part of the video and write down the conversation between Michael and his girlfriend.
- Write a sequence of events: What happens in the video?
- Do you think this video is scary or funny? Explain why
- Make a list of "terror" words, for example, "tomb"
martes, 17 de octubre de 2017
Festivals are a great way to learn about international culture and learn English!!
We are going to start learning about Halloween which is very close on time!HALLOWEEN WEBQUEST:
Do you know the origin of the word Halloween? Find out from the internet and explain it in your own words.
Now answer the following questions and be prepared to talk about them in class:
What do you know about Halloween?
Do you know the real origin of this celebration?
Watch this video from the History website:
Watch this video from the History website:
Activity 1: Halloween’s history
Visit and read the first section
entitled ‘Ancient origins of Halloween’. Look for the answers to these 13
(unlucky for some) questions. Share your answers with your classmates.
- Where is the celebration of
Halloween thought to have come from?
- The Celts occupied an area of
land covering three modern-day countries or regions. What are they?
- Why did the Celts celebrate
Samhain on the night of 31 October?
- What did the Celts believe the
ghosts of the dead would damage?
- To commemorate the event, what
did the Druids build?
- What costumes did they wear?
- What did they re-light to help
protect them from the coming winter?
- By 43 AD, who had conquered the
- What two other festivals were
combined with Samhain?
- After many changes due to the
spread of Christianity, what new celebration was created in 1000 AD?
- What were the similarities
between this day and Samhain?
- What was another name given to
this celebration?
- What was the night before
called and what did this finally become?
Activity 2: Popular Halloween traditions
Read the
introductory paragraph at and describe the
jack-o’-lantern tradition to your partner. Then, read the full article entitled
‘The Legend of “Stingy Jack”’. Look for the answers to the following questions.
Share your answers with your classmates.
- The jack-o’-lantern tradition
originated from which Irish myth? What happened when Jack
invited the Devil for a drink with him?
- What did Jack do with the coin
instead? Why?
- Under what condition did Jack
free the devil?
- What trick did Jack play the
following year and how did he prevent the devil coming down from the tree?
- What happened soon after?
- What problem did Jack then
- What did the Irish call Jack’s
- What did the Irish then begin
to make and place in their windows and doorways and why?
- What did the vegetable become
in America?
Read the
first paragraph of this website link about the rules of apple-bobbing: Answer the following questions and
share your answers with a partner.
- How do you set up the game?
- Why are apples used?
- What do players use to catch
the apples?
- Which part of their body are
they prevented from using?
Read the
first two paragraphs of this website link about the tradition of
’trick-or-treating’: and answer the following
questions, sharing your answers with a partner.
- What do children ask for when
they travel from house to house?
- What do children say when they
arrive at a house?
- What is usually the ’trick’?
- Since when has this tradition
been practised in North America?
- What do homeowners who wish to
participate usually do to their houses?
- Since when have people in
Britain and Ireland practised the tradition of asking for food at
- What else have they been doing
since then?
- Trick-or-treating has become
prevalent in countries outside of America - what do the children ask for
in Mexico?
Activity 3: Halloween around the world
Halloween is often seen as a predominantly American celebration, you’ll be surprised
to know that many countries around the world also celebrate Halloween. Many
have their own unique traditions.
a. Tell your
classmates if and how your country celebrates Halloween.
b. Your
teacher will give you a country to research from this website link: Before you begin your research,
consider the following questions:
- How long has your chosen
country been celebrating Halloween?
- What unique traditions does it
- What costumes do people dress
up in?
- Why has Halloween become
popular there?
Note: You may not find information on all
these questions, but as you read, write down any other interesting facts you
discover about your chosen country to share with your classmates. Write your
answers in note form and share your findings with your classmates.
Activity 4: Terrifying tales
Go to the
following website and read the story: Answer the following 13
(unlucky for some) questions below.
- What was the woman digging up
to cook for dinner?
- What did she uncover?
- Why did she put the thing that
she found in her basket?
- What did she cook with it?
- Later that night, what did the
voice coming from the woods say?
- Was the voice heard in the same
place or was it getting closer?
- Where was the voice coming from
when the old lady woke up?
- What did she do when she jumped
out of bed?
- Where was the old lady when she
saw the massive figure in her doorway?
- How did the old lady respond to
the figure?
- What finally happened to the
old lady?
- What was the only clue to what
- What was distinct about the
miércoles, 11 de octubre de 2017
In English Club you can find a great amount of resources to practise the specific language for tour guides. Follow this link to look at: Tour guide Vocabulary, explaining etiquette and showing places of interest.
You can also work on the vocabulary quiz and go through the different activities!!
You can also work on the vocabulary quiz and go through the different activities!!
miércoles, 4 de octubre de 2017
jueves, 28 de septiembre de 2017
Watch this useful (and fun) video to get familiar with the basic vocabulary for travelling:
Planning your trip
Here is another useful video to learn vocabulary:
Watch this useful (and fun) video to get familiar with the basic vocabulary for travelling:
Planning your trip
Here is another useful video to learn vocabulary:
Phrasal Verbs for TRAVEL: "drop off", "get in", "check out"...
martes, 26 de septiembre de 2017
Watch the video and answer the questions on the quiz:
Watch this video to learn more vocabulary on how to order food:
Now practise the sentences at the restaurant and learn some new food vocabulary:
Watch this video to learn more vocabulary on how to order food:
viernes, 22 de septiembre de 2017
Amalfi Coast
We have seen examples of domestic and outbound tourism. In this video there is a brilliant description of a tourist site.
Watch the video, answer the comprehension questions and then make a list of adjectives the narrator uses to describe the place and the tourist attractions:
We have seen examples of domestic and outbound tourism. In this video there is a brilliant description of a tourist site.
Watch the video, answer the comprehension questions and then make a list of adjectives the narrator uses to describe the place and the tourist attractions:
lunes, 18 de septiembre de 2017
Let´s go on holidays! S2G
Let´s practise our listening comprehension skills with this video guide to Honolulu!
Let´s practise our listening comprehension skills with this video guide to Honolulu!
domingo, 27 de agosto de 2017
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